
portaitThe business began with Captain Don Ellis (P47 Pilot). Don was shot down in northern Italy on October 4th, 1944 and became a POW until the end of WWII. Don’s initial product was the Air Force wings that he made to share with members of his squadron as remembrance of their time spent together. As family  members and friends admired the plaques, Don began to receive  requests for his product representing other branches of service and he fulfilled that request. Six brothers from the Ellis family served during WWII and two paid the ultimate price. First Lieutenant Charles (the oldest) never returned and is buried in the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery in Henri-Chapelle, Belgium. Lieutenant JG Jerome was killed in 1957 while flying for the Navy. Don continued the business until the late 1980s. At that point he passed it onto his brother, Stan Ellis, a Navy veteran who continued in Don’s footsteps with the business. At present, the company is owned by yet another generation from the Ellis family who will carry on the tradition to honor those who have served and those who continue to serve our great nation. It is with great pride that we at L.S. Enterprises look forward to providing a quality hand crafted made in the USA  product created by Captain Don Ellis to members of the military family.

With gratitude,
Ryan Ellis
L.S. Enterprises